Carpet Cleaning Aubrey | Spotless Carpet Cleaners Aubrey, Texas (TX)
Before you call any other carpet cleaning service in Aubrey, consider three factors;
1) Affordability
2) Quality
3) Reliability
At Spotless Carpet Cleaners we offer prices you can’t beat. You’ll receive affordable price quotes up front without hidden extras or surcharges figured in to pad the bill. What we say is what you pay. It will include the pre-inspection of the carpet projects in question where we will determine the best course of action dependant upon your particular type of carpet and any problematic areas.
We will then pre-treat the carpet with the appropriate cleaning solution. Note that all our products are EPA certified to contain no harmful toxins and be environmentally friendly, safe for both children and pets. All waste material is extracted to our truck-mounted recovery tanks and safely disposed of at our facility.
After treatment, one of our certified Aubrey carpet cleaning technicians will use state of the art equipment to begin a thorough high quality cleaning of your carpet, a service with no added costs to you, our customer. We guarantee our work! We satisfy our customers!
We spotlight the Rotovac’s Carpet Restoration System, a method which out performs those of the previous 40 years. Where the quality of clean from the traditional cleaning tool, the manual wand, was dependant on the strength of the user, Rotovac’s superior cleaning power is motor-driven. This PowerWand is a light-weight, energy efficient tool propelled by twin high speed motors. A total of six high temp/high pressure spray injectors work in unison with six vacuum slots to deliver tremendous suction to extract from carpet roots contaminants such as dust mites, dander, pet hair and other such foreign matter that both detract from the beauty of the carpet and reduce your home’s air quality. This helps to preserve the life of the carpet by not wearing it down through manual friction-based methods.
Call Spotless Carpet Cleaners if you need your tile or grout power cleaned, or if you need your furniture upholstery steam cleaned or scotch guarded. We’ll make it spotless.